Click2Mail Direct Mail Marketing

Click2Mail Direct Mail Marketing

Customer Rating
An error occurred! provides Web browser-based tools for creating, personalizing, and proofing mailpieces and for acquiring, building, and managing mailing lists. Our system virtually eliminates the need for sorting, labeling, applying postage, and transport to a post office and does it for not much more than the cost of postage alone. In short, mail made easy. Use Click2Mail for your direct mail marketing campaigns.

Customer Rating
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Click2Mail is endorsed by the US Postal Service and a member of the Direct Mail Association.  With Click2Mail’s easy online interface, you can create your direct mail marketing piece and Click2Mail will print it, address it, and mail it directly to your prospect.  You never have to handle your own direct mail pieces again!  Direct2Mail has everything you need to create and mail postcards, catalogs, letters, and more.  Don’t have a mailing list?  Don’t worry, Click2Mail can help you with that also!

Specializes In:

Direct Mail, postcard mailing, postcard marketing

Company Email

Telephone Number


Tags & Keywords

direct mail, postcard mailing, mailing lists

Company Address

3103 10th ST N, Suite 201
Arlington, VA 22201-2107
